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Guangdong Jufeng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
ADD:C1.C7.C17 Huachuang Animation industrial park Panyu District Guangzhou China
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Energy saving screw air compressor will dominate the market China compressor
The air compressor and the electricity, water, steam and known as the four major industrial energy, is widely used in industrial, mining, engineering industry, medical industry and agriculture, is one of the popular energy after power. The industry to provide air power for the downstream industry, its development will drive the steel chemical, metallurgy, power electronics, other important industries. Therefore, the development of air compressor industry should actively respond to the demand environment, reasonable layout in optimization, integration, strengthen innovation, expand the growth space.
In 2013, to increase the national macro-control means, to pay attention to efficiency and quality of planning have been introduced, energy-saving products promotion details have been released of air compressor, air compressor in China is expected over the next few years the annual growth rate at around 11%, have the technical advantage, energy-saving advantages of leading enterprises will continue to increase.
Analysis shows that: China's air compressor market has been in the high-end scale expansion, maintain motivation to innovate, strive for the multi level in new application field. The next few years, China's compressor industry annual growth rate at around 11%, replacement demand screw air compressor is still continue, market development green air compressor products will gradually strong.
Especially in the energy-saving and development trend of low carbon and environmental protection, the rapid development of the domestic mines, metallurgy, electric power, electronics, machinery manufacturing, pharmaceutical, food, textile and light industry and oil chemical industry, will also speed up the elimination of backward technology, high energy consuming equipment, push the compressor equipment to high value-added upgrade from low added value, in order to bring development opportunity for further screw compressor industry.
During the eleven five, screw machine in our country has realized the partial replacement of piston machine, screw machine is expected to substitute for piston engines will continue, the piston machines demand will gradually decline, but in view of the piston type air compressor is more wide application fields and the relatively low price, the market demand will still maintain a certain level. According to the passage Weiai compressor experts expected, 2014-2018 years, China's screw air compressor market will maintain an average annual growth rate of 15%.
Compressor | Screw Compressor | JF Compressors | ODF Compressors | ADF Compressors | Air Compressor Parts
COPYRIGNT 2014:Guangdong Jufeng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ALL RIGHT RESERVED
Address:C1.C7.C17 Huachuang Animation industrial park Panyu District Guangzhou China  Tel:86-20-31075883
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